
Corlea Trackway Visitor Centre

The Corlea Trackway Visitor Centre interprets an Iron Age bog road, which was built in the year 148 BC across the boglands close to the River Shannon. Located in Keenagh, County Longford, the trackway (also known as a togher) is over 2,000 years old, dating to 148 BC. It was made of oak planks laid transversely on large parallel runners that were laid lengthways. It stretched for over 2km (1.25 miles), crossing into the neighbouring townland of Derraghan.

Historians agree that it was part of a routeway of great importance. It may have been a section of a ceremonial highway connecting the Hill of Uisneach, the ritual centre of Ireland, and the royal site of Rathcroghan.

The trackway was built from heavy planks of oak, which sank into the peat after a short time. This made it unusable, of course, but also ensured it remained perfectly preserved in the bog for the next two millennia.

Inside the interpretive centre, an 18-metre stretch of the ancient wooden structure is on permanent display in a hall specially designed to preserve it. Don’t miss this amazing remnant of our ancient past.

Opening times March to November

Location – Corlea Trackway Centre, Kenagh. Co. Longford. N39 XT18