
Minister Burke launches new EnergyCloud project in Offaly

Minister Peter Burke, Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Employment has launched a new EnergyCloud project in Offaly with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Offaly County Council.

The initiative, which was announced as part of an ongoing collaboration between not-for-profit EnergyCloud Ireland and Amazon Web Services (AWS), will enable 300 families in the Midlands to receive free tanks of hot water from surplus renewable energy.

These families will soon have their homes equipped with an EnergyCloud enabled smart device to allow them to benefit from free tanks of hot water from surplus renewable energy. The device uses surplus renewable energy, which would otherwise be wasted, to heat immersion tanks.

Pictured at the launch of EnergyCloud were (L-R), Offaly County Council Deputy Chief Executive Ann Dillon, Yvonne O’Brien Bogdanovic, Regional Public Affairs Manager, Wind Energy Ireland, Minister Peter Burke, Leas Chathaoirleach Cllr Audrey Hennessy Kennedy, Alan Wyley CEO, Energy Cloud and Neil Morris, Amazon Web Services (AWS) Country Lead Ireland & Operations Director. Image credit: Paul Moore Photography.

Using surplus renewable energy to help those in energy poverty

The first homes will be done in collaboration with Offaly County Council and Cllr Audrey Hennessy Kennedy, Leas-Chathaoirleach Offaly County Council said ‘Offaly County Council are delighted to be part of this EnergyCloud Initiative, which connects the innovative technologies in our Tullamore Decarbonisation Zone with our stated aims in our Climate Action Plan to use surplus renewable energy to help those in energy poverty across the whole county.’

Speaking at the launch of the programme at the Council Chambers in Tullamore, Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Employment Peter Burke TD said: “This is an ambitious and creative project between EnergyCloud Ireland and Amazon Web Services and I’m delighted to have the opportunity to officially launch this programme in Offaly.”

“The Government has clear ambitions under the Climate Action Plan to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and utilise renewable energy as efficiently as possible. This innovative project matches these government goals using surplus renewable energy and smart technology to help those in energy poverty, helping to reduce their energy costs and carbon footprint. Government are delighted to see Eirgrid and ESB as key partners in this EnergyCloud initiative, which underpins our Climate Action Plan.”

Saving money, reducing fossil fuel use and helping those most in need

Neil Morris, Country Lead for Ireland at AWS said: “AWS has been investing in Ireland for over 15 years and this collaboration with EnergyCloud Ireland highlights our continued commitment to the local communities where we work. EnergyCloud as a project supports the use of innovative technology solutions and delivers real practical benefits and a significant social impact.”

Alan Wyley, CEO of EnergyCloud Ireland concluded: “This latest support from AWS will allow EnergyCloud support families throughout Offaly and the Midlands. Access to free renewable energy means that families that are part of the EnergyCloud project can simultaneously save money on electricity while reducing their use of fossil fuels and is a clear example of how targeted energy measures can help those most in need. The project is a win-win-win as we are collectively creating solutions for surplus energy rather than simply switching off wind turbines and solar panels. For example, according to EirGrid, in the last three weeks renewable wind energy was dispatched down with an approximate retail value of over €75 million.”

At the event, Minister Burke was joined by representatives from Offaly County Council, Wind Energy Ireland, AWS, ESB, Eirgrid, EnergyCloud Ireland and a range of state and other agencies.


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