As part of a €4.86 million investment from the Department of Sports and Culture, through the Dormant Accounts Funding in Local Sport Partnerships, sport clubs in the midlands are due to receive €553,500 euros in funding.
The Dormant Accounts Fund enables unclaimed funds from accounts in credit institutions in Ireland to be utilised to support the development of individuals who are economically or educationally disadvantaged, or those affected by a disability. This funding will be allocated to a wide range of sport and physical activity measures throughout Ireland. The areas of focus include Youth Leadership, Volunteer Supports, Disability Training, Girls Get Active, Urban Outdoor Adventure Hubs, Active Cities, Community Sports, and Physical Activity Hubs.

Laois LSP – €209,500
Offaly LSP – €137,500
Westmeath LSP – €94,100
Longford LSP – €112,400
Tranche 1 Funding Allocations 2023, Midlands
2023 Hub Funding Allocation

The hubs will provide information, support and advice on a wide range of sports and physical activities to make it easier for people in disadvantaged areas to get involved and engage in a more active and healthier lifestyle.
Laois LSP €70,000
Offaly LSP €70,000
Youth Leadership

This initiative involves the development and delivery of a variety of leadership
training programmes for young people providing a stepping stone for learners into
employment and also into further education or training.
Laois LSP €15,000
Offaly LSP €14,500
Longford LSP €9,000
Westmeath LSP €5,000
Volunteer Support
The volunteer supports initiative aims to successfully identify and assist targeted individuals who are volunteering in disadvantaged communities or with people with disabilities to gain community sport and physical activity leadership skills e.g., as coaches, leaders, referees, committee members etc.

Laois LSP €15,000
Longford LSP €14,000
Offaly LSP €5,000
Westmeath LSP €15,000
Sports Inclusion Disability Projects (SIDP)
The SIDP fund aims to reduce barriers to sports participation for people with a disability through minor infrastructure development and the provision of equipment.
Laois LSP €30,500
Longford LSP €35,100
Westmeath LSP €15,800
Innovation for Sports Inclusion
The objectives of the Innovation Fund are to:
• Pilot new approaches to the development and promotion of sport participation
• Evaluate and document successes and failures of the approach; and
• Demonstrate replicability and scalability for nationwide use and implementation.
Laois LSP €40,000
Urban Outdoor Adventure Initiatives (UOAI)

The objective of the UOAI is to create opportunities for people living in disadvantaged communities to participate in outdoor adventure sports in urban settings. The programme also seeks to create new opportunities for people with a disability and at-risk youths.
Laois LSP €25,000
Longford LSP €42,500
Offaly LSP €48,000
Westmeath LSP €45,000
Her Moves

The Her Moves campaign, is to implement a systems change campaign through the creation of a brand, effective messaging, an online space and physical activity opportunities. This will give girls confidence
and motivation, make them feel empowered to be active in their own way.
Laois LSP €14,000
Longford LSP €11,800
Westmeath LSP €13,300
This is just the beginning
Sport Ireland will work in conjunction with Local Sports Partnerships and Active Disability Ireland to deliver these initiatives which will contribute towards the objectives of the National Physical Activity Plan. This is just the beginning, as Sport Ireland is excited to announce a second round of Dormant Accounts Funding later this year. With this additional funding, Sport Ireland aims to further enhance and expand its initiatives to reach even more individuals and communities throughout Ireland. See full allocation