Minister for Rural and Community Heather Humphreys, and Minister of State Joe O’Brien, have today set out the details of the €50 million Community Recognition Fund. This major initiative, the first of its kind, is designed to specifically support communities across the country that have welcomed and are hosting families and citizens from Ukraine and other countries.

- Major initiative to support communities that have welcomed people from Ukraine and other countries
- Funding for sports clubs, community organisations, transport infrastructure and local groups
- Every local authority in the country to benefit
Among the projects that will be supported under the fund include:
- The refurbishment of local sports clubs and facilities
- The upgrade of community facilities such as play areas, walkways, parks and community gardens
- The purchase of equipment to benefit local clubs, festivals, music and arts organisations
- The enhancement of school or parish facilities that are open to the wider community after hours or on weekends
- Transport infrastructure such as community vehicles and bus shelters
The €50 million has been allocated across all local authorities based on the number of new arrivals located there. (See allocations for Laois, Offaly, Westmeath, Longford below).
The funding will be drawn down over 2023 and 2024.
Projects will be delivered by the local authorities in conjunction with community organisations.
The Fund aims to support the development of facilities that will be used in the future by all members of the community.
Laois County Council – €1,014,607
Offaly County Council €669,691
Westmeath County Council €1,649,996
Longford County Council €653,453