

Across the Midlands, Smart Specialisation is seeing a number of Industry Clusters grow and develop. Our regional clusters are creating ecosystems which aid economic growth for partners by focusing on cooperation and collaboration. Our clusters bring together the triple helix of Industry, Government and Education to ensure continued competitive advantage for members, and for our region.

under 35
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average daily commute
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better value than Dublin housing
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Advanced Manufacturing

Advanced Manufacturing is at the heart of enterprise in the Midlands region. With many FDI and indigenous businesses attracted to the manufacturing base across the 4 counties. 23,000 people in the region are employed in the sector, which represents 18% of the workforce (national figure 12.5%).

ICT Cluster

The Midlands continues to attracted ICT businesses due to central location and a strong talent pool of ICT graduates, with the sector now prioritised as an area of smart specialisation for the region. Large employers such as Ericsson in Athlone have been joined by a rapidly expanding network of start-ups, bringing innovation across the ICT sector.


The Midlands Engineering Network, Engenuity, was established in 2017 as an exchange forum where members can build links, share experiences and undertake joint commercial activity. The cluster is based on the knowledge that Engineering firms thrive when they work to support each other. 

Food and Drink

The objective for the Midlands Food and Drink Strategy is to create a unique food and drink eco-system where local people are proud of their local produce, where companies have the capabilities and supports to create world-class hospitality and product experiences, where scaling and exporting is enabled, whilst respecting nature and our environment.