Rosaleen’s Kitchen in Westmeath is a certified gluten- and wheat-free artisan bakery, supplying made-to-order breads, scones, muffins, pastries, and cakes. Established in 2013, Rosaleen Coates supplies gluten and wheat-free homemade products made from locally sourced ingredients and has developed new gluten-free dry mixes for home baking. It all began when Rosaleen was diagnosed as coeliac in 2010.

Rosaleen’s kitchen, how it all began
Rosaleen began adjusting to the lifestyle changes that came with being diagnosed with coeliac disease. She was out of work at the time and wanted to pursue a new profession. It was a personal decision to start a company that could have a beneficial impact on coeliacs.

“Shortly after being diagnosed, I was in a café with a friend getting coffee. Looking at her deciding which type of cake, scone, or muffin she would like was torture. I glanced at the “gluten free section” only to find a tiny selection of measly pre-packed options that had shelf lives of over a year. This was a no no for me. The seed was planted, and I decided that this is a problem that must be solved.”

Some of the delights they bake, including Lemon drizzzle loaf and sweet bakewells
Made to Order
Rosaleen’s kitchen has frown from strength to strength and is now an established, multi award winning bakery. Everything is handcrafted in small batches using only the finest quality ingredients. They go the extra mile by producing and packing everything in their certified, gluten-free bakery in order to eliminate any cross-contamination. The team complies with HACCP (Hazzard Analysis and Critical Control Point) standards. Their staff are trained in allergen awareness, and they are recognised by the Coeliac Society of Ireland as a trusted supplier.
New Crust Mixes range

Their new ‘CRUST Gluten Free’ has been officially fully certified and launched. Available now in certain Super Valus, it means you can bake their scones, shortcrust sweet pastry, or the pastry blend that makes quiche bases, pot pies, and even sausage rolls from the comfort of your own home. Or you can order it from their shop online. Rosaleen’s kitchen details can all be found on the Midlands Ireland Food Directory.